Senior High School 高中部

The Senior High School program offers the Academic Track:

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)For those who plan to take up business-related courses in higher education or engage in business, entrepreneurship, and other business-related careers.Accountancy, Business Management, Marketing, Economics, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Education
Science, Technology, Engineering &Mathematics(STEM)For students who are inclined towards or have the aptitude for Math, Science or Engineering studiesScience & Engineering courses, IT, Education
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)For students who inclined towards writing, and social sciences such a law, political science and community studiesPolitical Science, Sociology, Marketing, Education, Human Resources, Education, HRM, IT
  1. There are two grade levels (Grade 11 & 12).  Each year level has 2 semesters, each semester divided into two quarters.  A Report Card (SF-9) shall be issued at the end of each semester.
  2. There are a total of 31 subjects in each strand, at 80 hours per semester. 
  3. Each strand will end with an IMMERSION PROGRAM in Grade 12, which shall be a combination of actual on-the-job training, action research, career advocacy programs or other related activities
  4. Being semestral, the Final Grade for each subject shall be the average of the two quarter in that semester.  The Semestral Average shall be the average of all Final Grades in that semester.
  5. The General Average for the school year shall be the average of the two Semestral Averages.