International Digital Student Partner Program

In response to the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee's "International Digital Student Partner Program", our school co-organized an "Online International Exchange" with Dakeng National Primary School in Taoyuan City, Taiwan at 2:00 p.m. on March 14th. With the joint planning and promotion of our school principal Huang Sihua and teacher Liu Ruimei, the primary school students from both sides interacted very happily and communicated very enthusiastically. The nearly one-hour activity came to a successful conclusion.
The activity officially started at 2:00 pm. The activity was divided into two parts. The first part was to ask questions to each other, aiming to let the overseas Chinese school students and Taiwan students better understand the culture of both sides, and to enhance the exchange and interaction with domestic and foreign students. The topics of exchange between the two sides include "how many students do you have in your school", "how many minutes do you have a class? What subjects do you have? Which subject do you like most?", "what lunch do you usually eat at school?", "what food do you usually like to eat?" "?", "What do you do after school? What are your interests?", "What is there to do in the Philippines/Taiwan? What attractions are there?", "Have you ever been to Taiwan/Philippines? Do you want to come to Taiwan/Philippines?" and so on. Our school asks and answers questions in Chinese, while students in Dakeng communicate with our students in English. In the second program performance, students from Dakeng Elementary School performed the lead singing.
Due to time constraints, the international exchange activities ended in nearly an hour. Although the two sides were a little confused, they were looking forward to meeting in the next exchange.

黃 思 華 Wong, Steve Christopher