Stage plays of El FIlibusterismo @PCKHS

At 10:00 a.m. on April 3, the Li Hualong Memorial Hall on the third floor of the school’s tenth-grade Filipino language class held a school-year end-of-school-year learning results acceptance check and a performance of Fuxi, the founding father of the Philippines. A stage play of Rizal’s famous novel “EL FILIBUSTERISMO “. The book has thirty-nine chapters, and the teacher divided the thirty-nine chapters into four groups to perform, using the stage play to check the students’ learning results. “The Reign of Greed EL FILIBUSTERISMO” is the second novel written by the Philippine national hero Fusi Rizal. This novel is dedicated to the three martyred priests known as Gomburza. This is the continuation of NOLI ME TANGERE, and like NOLI ME TANGER, the Founding Fathers suffered difficulties in the writing process, and it was also written in Spanish. He began writing this work in October 1887, when he was practicing medicine in CALAMBA, Laguna Province. In 1888, he made many changes to the plot and improved some chapters. The Founding Father continued his work while living in Paris, Madrid and Brussels, completing the work in Biarritz on March 29, 1891. In the same year it was published in Ghent. At that time, a friend named Valentin Ventura lent him money to officially publish and distribute the book on September 22, 1891. This novel is a political novel that further inspires a fervent desire for true freedom and state rights.
The Philippine Department of Education stipulates that for the Filipino language courses in the fourth grade of junior high schools, ninth-grade students must take “NOLI ME TANGERE”, while tenth-grade students must take “EL FILIBUSTERISMO”. It is hoped that through the two novels, Students can learn about the difficulties and challenges encountered by the Philippine Revolution at that time, and how the people won the hard-won freedom today. The tenth-grade students of our school spent two weeks rehearsing to perform each character in the novel vividly and vividly. It was like bringing the situation to the stage, allowing the audience to feel that they were immersed in the scene. . The teacher also saw the hard work and efforts of the students. After the performance, he praised each performer and believed that their one year of study had achieved fruitful results. This is also a beautiful report card of our school on the reform of Chinese and English education in recent years.
四月三日上午十時,本校十年級菲語課假三樓李華龍紀念堂舉行學年終學習成果驗收,表演菲律濱國父扶西。利刹名著《貪婪的統治 EL FILIBUSTERISMO》舞台劇。該書共有三十九章,而授課老師把三十九章分成四組來表演,藉著舞台劇來驗收學生的學習成果。「貪婪的統治 EL FILIBUSTERISMO」是菲律賓國家英雄扶西利刹所寫的第二部小說,這部小說是為了為要獻給了被稱為Gomburza的三位殉道神父。這是《社會毒瘤NOLI ME TANGERE》的續篇,像《社會毒瘤》一樣,國父在寫作過程中遭受了困難,而且也是用西班牙語寫成的。他在1887年10月開始撰寫這部作品,當時他正在內湖省CALAMBA練醫。在1888年,他對情節進行了許多修改,並改進了一些章節。國父在巴黎、馬德里和布魯塞爾居住期間繼續工作,並在1891年3月29日在比亞里茨完成了這部作品。同年,它在根特出版。當時一位名為Valentin Ventura的朋友借給他錢,以便於1891年9月22日正式出版和發行這本書。這部小說是一部政治小說,更加激發了對真正自由和國家權利的熱切渴望。
菲律濱教育部規定初中四年級的菲語課,九年級的學生必修《社會毒瘤NOLI ME TANGERE》,而十年級的學生是《貪婪的統治 EL FILIBUSTERISMO》,而希望能透過兩本小說,學生們能了解當時菲律賓革命的遇到的種種困難及挑戰,並且人民是如何贏得今日來自不易的自由。本校十年級學生利用兩週時間排煉,把小說裡的每一位角色表演得惟唯妙唯肖、活龍活現,如同把把當時的情境,搬到舞台上,讓觀眾感到身身歷其境。老師也看到學生的辛苦及努力,在表演完畢後,大力表揚每一位表演者,認為他們一年的學習,已經有豐碩的成果了。這也是本校對近年的中、英文教育改革繳上一張漂亮的成績單。

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