Principal Steve Wong was awarded an honorary doctorate in Education

The 2024 International Multidisciplinary Research Conference, Awards, and Award Ceremony were successfully held at 9:00 am on January 21 (Saturday) in the auditorium on the third floor of our school. Dr. Pratik Rajan Mungekar, one of the founders of ACER, served as the chairman of the conference. During the event, Principal Wong, our school’s director of the association, was appointed. In recognition of Principal Wong’s dedication and contribution to education for over 30 years, he was honored with the title of “Most Innovative Principal and Man of Integrity in the field of Education”. In the afternoon session, Principal Huang delivered a paper presentation titled “The Interrelationship between Culture and Education”. He emphasized the significance of integrating culture into Chinese language teaching, highlighting that language and culture are inseparable. Principal Huang conducted a questionnaire survey revealing that over 80% of students favor cultural activities as supplements to Chinese language teaching, such as listening to Chinese pop songs, watching movies or videos, folk dances, sports, martial arts, and folk arts. These activities greatly enhance their Chinese learning experience.

Furthermore, an honorary doctorate awarding ceremony will take place at EUROTEL in Las Pinas City at 9 a.m. on February 25. Elior Evangelical University in Haiti and the United States will confer honorary doctorates to 20 individuals through ACER, and he is among the recipients. The recipients come from diverse fields including psychological counseling, law enforcement, entertainment, politics, and education. Principal Wong’s unwavering dedication and commitment over the past three decades are widely recognized. This honor is a testament to his outstanding contributions. The entire school community, including teachers, students, and parents, is immensely proud of Principal Wong.

亞洲大陸教育研究協會(Asian Continental Educators and Researchers, Inc.簡稱 ACER )主辦、印度大腦智慧知識中心(Big Brain Brilliance Knowledge Hub)協辦的2024年國際多學科研究會議、頒獎和授予典禮(2024 International Multidisciplinary Research Conference, Awarding and Conferment Ceremony) 於一月廿一日(星期六)上午九時假本校三樓禮堂成功舉行,大會主席Pratik Rajan Mungekar博士是ACER的創辦人之一,當天主席除了宣佈聘請本校黃思華校長為該會董事,並對於黃校長服務三十多年教育的付出及頁獻,特授予「在教育領域中最具創新精神和正直品格的校長」(Most Innovative Principal and Man of Integrity in the Field of Education)之稱號。下午,黃校長還作了一場論文發表,題目為「文化和教育的連帶關係」。黃校長強調文化應為華語文教學的一個重要環節,教語言而不教文化和教語文不教文化,到最終,學習成果還是一場空,語言和語文是文化的一部份,不強調文人化的重要性,學生只是在死記硬背,不懂其中意義,所以十三年的華文教育,到了最後還是沒學到東西。黃校長在了問卷調查,結果百分之八十以上的學生喜愛文化活動輔助華語文教學,如聽中文流行歌曲、看中文電影或視頻、民族舞蹈、民俗體育、武術、民俗藝術等,這對他們的中文學習會有很多的幫助。
於二月廿五日上午九時,於Las Pinas市的EUROTEL 舉行榮譽博士授予典禮。海地及美國兩地的Elior Evangelical University透過ACER頒授二十人名譽博士學位,而黃校長為獲選人之一。榮獲名譽博士學位都是來自不領域的事業有成人士,有心理輔導師、警察、娛樂界、政界、教育界等人。黃校長的三十年來的頁獻及付出,是大家有目共睹的,這一次再度榮獲榮譽及肯定,可說是實至名歸,本校全體師生及家長也為黃校長感到無比的驕傲。

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