Introducing the Beacon Tracking Device from Japanese High-Tech Companies

Mr. Matsumoto (土旁) Shōji, Ms. Akunaga Natsumi, Mr. Takahashi Shūichirō, and other representatives from the Japanese high-tech companies FOCUS SYSTEMS and LEAVE A NEST, accompanied by the project leader of the WELA School System, visited our school on January 31st at 1:00 p.m., and received a warm welcome from Principal Huang Sihua. Both parties held a discussion in the school conference room for nearly two hours. Firstly, Ryo Inori, representing the Japanese side, introduced the latest high-tech school security systems, BEACON and COTCHI. He explained that in the context of Bluetooth, “beacon transmitters” refer to small devices that emit Bluetooth signals at fixed intervals. These signals are typically used for proximity-based applications, indoor navigation, and location-based services. In other words, through the functionality and assistance of BEACON, we can track students’ whereabouts, thereby avoiding issues such as truancy and absenteeism, allowing parents to feel reassured about sending their children to our school. “Cotchi” is an application that can track student attendance within the school.

Last year, the school used RFID to control student entry and exit from the school. Each time a student arrived at or left the school, parents would receive a message confirming their safety. This initiative was welcomed by parents. Next school year, the school will use BEACON to monitor student attendance in class. We believe this will greatly help improve students’ learning conditions and reduce truancy issues. Our school places great importance on student safety. In recent years of educational reform, improvements have been made not only in teaching and software but also in hardware. Ultimately, everything is aimed at providing students with a comfortable and safe learning environment, allowing parents to confidently send their children to our school for education.

日本駐菲高科技公司FOCUS SYSTEMS及LEAVEANEST松反(土旁)衳治先生、 秋永名美女士、高橋修一郎先生等人在WELA學校系統項目負責人的陪同下,於一月三十一下午一時拜訪本校,並得黃思華校長的熱烈歡迎。雙方在學校會議室進行了近兩個小時的座談,首先由日方代表RYO INORI生生介紹最新高科技的學校安全系統BEACON及COTCHI,他表示在藍牙背景下,”信標發射器” BEACON指的是一種小型設備,以固定間隔發射藍牙信號。這些信號通常用於基於接近度的應用、室內導航和基於位置的服務。也就是,透過BEACON的功能及幫助,,可以得知學生的行踪,避免有蹺課、逃學等的問題產生,也可以家長放心讓他們子兒來本校學習。而”Cotchi” 是一款應用程式,它可以在學校內追蹤學生的出勤情況。
去年學校使用RFID來管控學生出入學校,而每一次學生來到學校或離開學校,家長便會收訊息報平安,這一舉受到家長們的歡迎,下學年,學校將採用BEACON來監督學生課堂出勤狀況 ,相信這對學生的學習狀況會有很大的幫助,減少蹺課問題。本校對學生的安全十分重視,近年來的教育改革,不僅在教學及軟體做一番改進,而在硬體上也是如此,無非一切都是為給學生一個即舒適又安全的學習環境,讓家長能安心地送其孩子來本校學習。

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