Asia’s Humanitarian Hero Awards 2023

On September 28th, the 2023 Asia Humanitarian Hero Awards Ceremony was held at the Vivere Hotel and Resort Filinvest, Alabang, Muntinlupa City. Our school’s Principal, Dr. Steve Wong, was one of the awardees, receiving three awards: Asia’s Man of Achievements in Sustainable Global Peace Development, Most Empowered Quality Education Leader, and Multi-Awarded Prime Educator of the Year. This award recognizes outstanding individuals from various fields for their significant contributions to society. Nearly a hundred awardees from both domestic and international backgrounds shared their contributions to society during the award presentation. Principal Wong’s achievement not only brings honor to our school but also to the Filipino-Chinese community. The organizing committee acknowledged Principal Wong’s substantial dedication to the field of education. In addition to effectively managing the school and improving its academic performance, he has also delivered numerous lectures to share professional knowledge with teachers worldwide. What’s most commendable is that, despite his busy schedule, he still finds time to give back to the community and encourages both teachers and students to engage in social welfare activities. Therefore, this award is well-deserved and worth celebrating.”

Congratulations to Principal Dr. Steve Wong for receiving these prestigious awards!

晨光中學訊:九月廿八日假Vivere Hotel and Resort Filinvest, Alabang, Muntilupa City舉行2023年度亞洲人道主義英雄獎頒獎典禮,本校黃校長思華博士為獲獎人之一,獲得亞洲可持續全球和平發展成就人物 – 最具影響力的優質教育領袖及年度多項獎項獲得者(Asia’s Man of Achievements in Sustainable Global Peace – Development, Most Empowered Quality Education Leader and Multi-Awarded Prime Educator of the Year)三個獎項。此獎項是針對各界傑出人士對社會有巨大貢獻而舉辦獎勵的。來自國內外近百人的獲獎者在領獎時說他們為社會作出了什麼貢獻。黃校長能夠榮獲此殊榮,不僅為本校爭光,也為菲華社會爭榮。主辦單位肯定黃校長對教育界的巨大付出,除了精心管理學校,令其校務蒸蒸日上,還多次擔任講座,為全球教師分享專業知識,最可貴的是,在其忙碌工作裡,仍能抽出時間為社會付出,並且鼓勵師生們多做社會公益,回饋社會。所以此次獲獎, 可說是可喜可賀,實至名歸。

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