PHILFLEX CABLE AND WIRES Donates Again To Provide Sound System Wiring for Morning Light School’s First-Floor Auditorium

Morning Light School News: In May of this academic year, our school passed the ACSCU-ACI Level 2 accreditation and set a goal to achieve Level 3 in the next three years. In response to the recommendations from the accreditation body, we have continued to make improvements in both our physical infrastructure and educational resources. This includes adding a kindergarten computer room, a school data room, and a school museum, renovating the outdoor playground generously sponsored by Honorary Chairman Dr. Huang Zhentan, construction of the first-floor auditorium funded by Honorary Chairman Mr. Yao Xiong, donation of thirty new computers by Chairman Mr. Qi Zhao Huang, and contributions from Director Mr. Tie Feng Zeng and the Fujian Association in the Philippines for additional school equipment. Furthermore, the replacement of doors and windows in school offices and classrooms, along with various renovation projects, has given our school a fresh new look. These improvements not only enhance the quality of education but also improve the learning environment for our students.

On August 25th, our school received a donation of twelve rolls of electrical wire from Philflex Cable and Wires. Dr. Huang Sihua, our school’s Principal, took office in 2015 and immediately initiated a school-wide overhaul, including the refurbishment of the school’s electrical systems. At that time, Mrs. Shi Shuhao generously donated several rolls of electrical wire. This year, as the school embarked on further renovations, we are once again grateful for the generous support, this time from Ms. She Yijing, the daughter of Mrs. Shi Shuhao and the incoming President of the Filipino-Chinese Athletic Association. She made this donation on behalf of her company, Philflex Cable and Wires, underlining their commitment to supporting our school’s comprehensive renovation efforts.

The mother and daughter duo of Shi Shuhao and She Yijing have consistently been active in supporting social welfare causes and have shown great concern for the development of Chinese education. They have long contributed their time and resources to the advancement of Chinese education. With their generous donation, our school is profoundly grateful. In accepting this donation, we express our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation through this announcement.

晨光中學訊:今學年五月本校通過ACSCU-ACI二級評鑑,並以未來三年內邁向通過優良教育三級為目標,聽從評鑑單位的建議,再次在軟、硬體上的進行改進,如添增幼稚園電腦室、學校資料室、學校博物館等、整修早期由黃名譽董事長禎潭博士的戶外遊樂場、張名譽董事長堯雄先生出資建築一樓禮堂、黃董事長奇昭先生捐增三十台新電腦、曾董事鐵鋒先生及旅菲福州同鄉會捐增建校設備等,加上全校辦公室及教室大門及窗戶換新,學校的一系列的改建計劃,煥然一新,不僅能提高學校教學品質,也能改善學生學習氣氛。本校於八月廿五日收到Philflex Cable and Wires捐贈十二卷電線。黃校長思華博士在2015年接任本校校長一職,第一時間整頓學校,重修學校通資系統,當時並獲得當初施淑好女士捐增電線數卷,今年學校再資整修校學校,並獲得施淑好令千金佘怡靜小姐,亦是菲華體育總會候任會長的大力支持,由其管轄公司Philflex Cable and Wires名義,再次捐增本校十二卷電線,這對本校全面整修有很大的作用及幫助。施淑好、佘怡靜母女,平時熱心社會公益、關心華文教育發展,長期以來出錢出力協助華文教育發展,今再得其慷慨捐增,本校感激不盡,敬領之餘,曷勝銘感,特藉報端,並申謝忱

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