At 9 a.m., PCKHS was honored to receive the first 2024 World’s Phenomenal and Transformational Leadership Award at the Ho Cho Yen Memorial Hall. The announcement happened as Head of School Wong Sihua went to the international symposium on Chinese Language Inheritance in a Diverse World in Hong Kong, which was led by Dr. Teresita Eusebio, Head of Senior School, and the school was honored to offer the first positive news of the new school year.
Dr. Raymond Banzuela, the head of the Great Idea Events Management of the host unit, said that under the leadership of President Huang, the school held several social welfare activities, such as the annual health activity, providing free Zumba dance, massage, visual examination, and the gift of eyeglasses to the residents of St. Lucia in San Juan City. On September 1 this year, it will cooperate with the Chenguang Middle School Alumni Association and the Philippine Chinese Alumni Association and the Philippine Chinese Business Association to hold a voluntary clinic in the school playground, and so on.
In addition to the award ceremony, the unit also held the 1st International Multidisciplinary Leadership Conference and invited experts with expertise in academic studies from all over the world to give online lectures, and all the Chinese and English teachers at the university also took the opportunity to participate. They also believe that in the new school year, he will be more powerful in teaching, and the biggest beneficiaries will be the students in the school.

主辦單位Great Idea Events Management負責人Raymond Banzuela博士表示,素聞本校在黃校長的帶領下, 舉行了多場社會公益活動,例每年一年一度的健康活動, 提供免費尊巴Zumba舞蹈、按摩、視力檢查、 贈送眼鏡等給仙範市聖沓露西亞描籠涯居民,一個月一次的星期日, 本校操場免費提供給描籠涯老人作為活動場地、 並曾和台灣新北市主顧修女會於甲美地合辦義診、 和菲律賓慈濟功德會舉行公益活動、 菲律賓佛光山年萬年寺舉辦贈粥活動給附近描涯居民等, 而今年九月一日,將配合晨光中學校友會及菲華校友總、 菲華商總假本校操場舉行義診等,而如此多的社會公益活動, 造福人群、回饋社會,可說是功德無量,而能獲得此榮殊, 實在是實至名歸。
除了頒獎典禮,該單位同時也舉行了第一屆國際多元領導力會議(1 st International Multidisciplinary Leadership Conference), 並邀請了全球在學術上學有專長的專家透過線上舉行講座, 本校全體中英文老師也趁此機會出席參與,其精堪演講、內容豐富, 聽眾們均獲益良多,學習許多新知識及技能。並相信在新的學年, 在其教學上定是如虎添翼,功夫更上一層樓, 最大受益者也會是學校裡的學生。
黃 思 華 Wong, Steve Christopher