Samantha Cruz won the second prize in the inter-school English essay competition

SAMANTHA CRUZ, a ninth-grade student of our school (Junior High School 3), is also the Mayor of POLA MINDORO JENNIFER MINDANAO CRUZ and the Deputy Minister of the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission GILBERT CRUZ General Ling Qianjin, participated in the inter-school English news reporting competition held online by Highlights Library on March 16 (Thursday) and won second place. Student Fei usually likes reading books and writing and is full of creativity and enthusiasm. This award is truly deserved, and he has lived up to everyone’s expectations and brought glory to the school. Highlights Library holds a series of activities every month, including storytelling competitions, speech contests, etc., to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. More and more students participate year after year, and all achieve good results, which is a good example for the school. To gain glory. Not long ago, a student from the Philippines won second place in the inter-school English composition competition hosted by the Xianfan Fire Department.

本校九年級(初中三)菲美珠(SAMANTHA CRUZ)同學,也是POLA MINDORO市長JENNIFER MINDANAO CRUZ及總統反有組織犯罪委員會(Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission)副部長 GILBERT CRUZ 將軍令千金,於三月十四日(星期四)參加由仙範市消防局慶祝消火月假仙範市體育館舉行的校際英語作文比賽,榮獲第二名。菲同學平時喜歡閱讀書籍及寫作,並充滿了創造力及熱情,此次獲獎,可說是實至名歸,不辜負眾人所望,為校爭光。仙範市消防局每年三月份會舉辦一系列活動,藉著活動來提高仙範市民及公私立學生學生對防水的意識,活動包括巡迴講座、校際藝術比賽、校際英語作文比賽等,而每年響應人數非常踴躍,一年比一年多,獲得良好成績

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