Amber Querimit clinched the Silver Award in the English Storytelling competition, demonstrating her outstanding storytelling prowess

Our school’s third-grade student, Amber Gabrielle M. Querimit, participated in the Inter-School English Storytelling Competition organized by HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY for the 2023-2024 academic year and was awarded the Silver Prize. Amber showcased her rich imagination and excellent speaking skills during the competition, confidently interpreting the story. Breaking through her limits and standing out among many contestants, she rightfully earned the Silver Prize, which is truly commendable and worth celebrating.

Our school has always emphasized the cultivation of students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in both Chinese and English subjects. Over the past three years, in collaboration with HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY, through its learning platform, students have made significant progress in their expressive abilities. With no spatial constraints, students can conveniently access online learning anytime, anywhere. Within two years, students have shown improvement in their ability to understand stories fully, make appropriate interpretations and express emotions convincingly. They have also become more accurate in their use of voice, such as articulation and pronunciation.

Amber’s achievement in the competition is a testament to the success of our school’s educational reforms. We hope to see more students excel and bring glory to our school in the future.

本校小學三年級邱秀媚( Querimit, Amber Gabrielle M.)同學參加由HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY主辦的2023-2024學年度校際英語講故事比賽榮獲銀獎。邱同學在比賽中發揮其豐富的想像力及精湛的演講能力,自信地把故事演譯出來,最後衝破極限,一展所長,從多位的參賽中脫穎而出,獲得銀獎,可說是實至名歸,可喜可賀。

本校一直注重學生在中、英文學科上的的聽、說、讀、寫的培育,這三年和HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY合作,透過他的學習平台,因為沒有空間的限制,只要學生方便,隨時隨地都可上網學習,兩年的時間,學生的表達能力大有進步,並能對故事充分理解及作出恰當的演繹、投入地表達故事中的情感、對聲音的運用準確,如咬字、發音等。

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