PCKHS 2024 Career Internship and College Guidance Seminar for High School Graduates

On January 22 (Monday), at 9:30 AM in the school’s third-floor auditorium, a seminar on career internships and college guidance for graduating high school seniors was held. The event was co-hosted by Dr. Teresita Eusebio, the head of the high school department, and Sharon Ricarte, the co-director of guidance. The activities of the day were divided into two parts.

The first part featured a presentation by Ms. Jinky Gamit from Trinity University of Asia, providing information and rules about internships at the university for the second-year high school students. This year, the school signed a memorandum of understanding with Trinity University of Asia, including the acceptance of high school students for internships. The high school interns from Morning Light School will complete 80 hours of internship at Trinity University of Asia. Each student will be assigned a supervisor to ensure their safety and a beneficial learning experience. The school is confident that the students will gain valuable insights during their internship, contributing to their future endeavors in university or the workforce.

In the second part, the guidance director presented on “What’s Next after High School?” Ms. Ricarte analyzed the students’ learning interests and explained which college majors would be suitable for them to avoid making the wrong choice and facing challenges such as changing majors or dropping out midway. Following the presentation, students had the opportunity to ask questions, and the guidance director addressed each query. It is believed that after this seminar, the high school students have a clearer understanding of which college major suits them best, ensuring a smoother journey through their university years.

In conclusion, the head of the high school department emphasized the school’s commitment to students’ futures. The school hopes that students will achieve success in their careers and contribute to society. Students were encouraged to reflect on their choices and seek assistance from the school whenever needed. The school is always open to supporting its students.

一月廿二日(星期一)上午九時三十分於本校三樓禮堂,為高中屆應畢業生舉行2024年度工作實習暨升學說明會,並由高中部主任Teresita Eusebio博士及訓導處 Sharon Ricarte共同主任主持。當天活動分為兩部份進行,第一部份由亞洲三一大學(Trinity University of Asia)的Jinky Gamit老師為高中二年級的同學說明到該校工作實習的須知及規則。今年本校與亞洲三一大學簽署備忘錄,內容包括接納本校高中生到該校實習。此次本校高中實習生將在三一大學實習八十小時,而每一位學生的實習單位都會安排一位主管負責帶,並確保他們的安全,這今本校感到十分放心,也相信本校學生將會在該校實習期間學習許多東西,有益於他們未來升大學或到社會上工作。
第二部份,由訓導主任主講「What’s Next after High School?」。Ricarte主任為高中學生以他們的學習興趣做分析,講解上大學時,什麼科系比較適合他們,以免選錯系,被迫轉系,浪費時間,甚至導至中途輟學。之後,開放時間給學生發問,而訓導主任也一一解答他們的疑問,相信這一批的高中生,在說明會之後,對上大學要選什麼科系已是胸有成竹了,大學生涯也將會是一帆風順了。


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