PCKHS won the Excellence Award in Overseas Chinese School Student Painting Competition

In the 2022-2023 school year, our school’s fifth grader Liang Jiaqing, ninth grader Zhuang Meina, and tenth grader Shi Zhenzhen participated in the 2023 Overseas Chinese National Salvation Federation (referred to as the Overseas Chinese Federation) . The entire school is celebrating, which is extremely rewarding and wonderful. The Overseas Chinese Federation has arranged a painting competition for students from overseas Chinese schools and Taiwan companies in an effort to inspire youngsters to pursue their passion in painting and to enhance their artistic creative talents. The competition is separated into categories from 6 to 9 years old, 10 to 13 years old, and 14 years old.  The entries will be reviewed by art experts hired by the Overseas Chinese Federation and then submitted to the board of directors of the Overseas Chinese Federation Cultural and Educational Foundation for approval.

Art is another language for children, and painting is a way to develop the expression of this “inner language”. Learning to paint not only enhance children’s hands-on ability, but also cultivate their self-confidence, aesthetic level, good study habits, quick thinking ability and language expression ability. Therefore, the school attaches great importance to students’ artistic development and has been developing them in recent years., students participated in off-campus painting competitions and achieved good results, and the school was very gratified for this.
Learning to draw has many benefits for children’s development. It can cultivate children’s hands-on ability, but also improve children’s self-confidence, aesthetic level, study habits, thinking ability and language expression ability. Therefore, the school attaches great importance to and supports children’s art education, allowing them to explore, create, and express in painting, so as to fully develop their potential.
晨光中學訊:本校2022-2023學年度五年級梁家晴同學、九年級莊美娜同學、十年級施珍珍同學參加2023年華僑救國聯合會(簡稱僑聯總會)海外華校學生繪畫比賽榮獲佳作獎,消息傳來,舉校歡騰,真是可喜可賀.華僑救國聯合總會為鼓勵海外華校學生繪畫興趣,發揮藝術創作才能,特舉辦海外華校暨台商子弟學生繪畫比賽,並分分 6 歲至 9 歲組、10 歲至 13 歲組、14 歲至 17 歲組三組進行比賽,參賽作品經僑聯總會聘請美術專家評審後,報請僑聯文教基金會董事會議核定。

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