ICDS AWARD (Annual Outstanding Principal Award)

“On the 21st of October at 5 p.m., the 2023 Global Peace and Economic Summit held its distinguished professionals and humanitarian award ceremony at the HERITAGE Grand Hotel Ballroom. Dr. Huang Sihua, the principal of our school, was honored as one of the awardees from over a dozen countries worldwide. He received the Annual Outstanding Principal Award and the Humanitarian Excellence Award. This event was jointly organized by the International Center for Diplomat Studies in Norway and the Global Academy for Human Excellence in the Philippines. Awardees came from various countries, including the Philippines, Norway, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, India, Italy, Japan, and more.

The organizing institutions regularly acknowledge outstanding individuals from various fields for their significant contributions to their respective nations and societies. The recipients of these awards come from the fields of education, business, politics, and medicine. Principal Huang’s recognition not only brings honor to our school but also brings pride to the Filipino-Chinese community. The organizing committee recognized Dr. Huang’s significant dedication to the field of education. In addition to effectively managing the school and ensuring its continuous growth, he has also delivered numerous lectures, sharing his expertise with educators worldwide. Therefore, this award is a well-deserved and remarkable achievement.”十月廿一日下午五時假HERITAGE大飯店大宴會廳舉行2023年全球和平及經濟高峰上舉行傑出專業人士及人道主義者頒獎典禮,本校黃校長思華博士為來自全球十幾個國家的獲獎人之一,獎項為年度傑出校長獎及宏揚人道主義獎,由挪威國際外交研究中心(International Center for Diplomat Studies)及菲律濱全球人文卓越學院(Global Academy for Human Excellence)聯合主辦,獲獎人均來自世界各地—菲律濱、挪威、美國、英國、巴西、西班牙、巴基斯坦、印度、羅馬、日本等國家。主辦單位每年定期對各行各業的傑出人士對國家社會有巨大貢獻舉辦獎勵,此次獲得此獎的人有教育界、商界、政界、醫界的精英人士,而黃校長能夠榮獲此殊榮,不僅為本校爭光,也為菲華社會爭榮。主辦單位肯定黃校長對教育界的巨大付出,除了精心管理學校,令其校務蒸蒸日上,還多次擔任講座,為全球教師分享專業知識。所以此次獲獎, 可說是可喜可賀,實至名歸


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