On the morning of October 27 (Friday), our school held a unique Halloween costume show with the aim of allowing students to experience the cultural characteristics of the West. Early in the morning, every student came to school dressed up, and even the security guards gave them a thumbs-up, saying that the students looked very special and full of spirit. On that day, the school organized a Halloween costume fashion show, and parents carefully dressed up their children. There were Spider-Man, Batman, vampires, zombies, angels, and more. There was a variety of Western and Eastern ghostly costumes, each with its unique features, and they all hoped to catch everyone’s attention on that day.
Principal Huang Sihua delivered a speech during the event, stating that by organizing a Halloween costume show, all students were invited to wear Halloween-related costumes, walk around the school, and ask various administrative departments for candy. After the students’ fashion show, they could receive a reward, and if they won the favor of the judges, the top three Halloween costume show styles could also receive special prizes. This event aimed to encourage children to unleash their imagination, confidently showcase themselves, and boost their self-esteem.
This event is designed to enable our students to “stand on the shoulders of giants to see further and higher,” broaden their international perspective through experiencing Western culture, and the Halloween costume show is believed to be an excellent cultural learning opportunity.”
本校於十月廿七日(星期五)上午九時舉行一場別開生面的萬聖節服裝秀,志在讓學生們能體驗西方文化特色。一早到校就可以看到每位學生都盛裝打扮出席,連警衛都直豎大拇指說學生們都穿得好特別、特別有精神。當天學校要辦理聖萬節服裝走秀活動,家長都為孩子精心打扮,有蜘蛛人、蝙蝠俠、吸血鬼、殭屍、天使等,各種各樣的中西鬼怪打扮都有,各個有特色,他們都希望能在那天贏得全場目光。 黃思華校長在活動中致詞,表示舉行萬聖節服裝秀,請全校學生著萬聖節相關服裝,全校繞走一遍,並可以向各行政部門討糖果吃。而在學生走秀後,可得到獎勵品一份,另外若能得評審老師的青睞,票選萬聖節服裝秀造型最佳前三名,也可獲得特別獎一份。此次活動是要激勵小朋友多發揮自己的想像力、勇敢秀出自己,提升自信心。 此次活動,是希望本校學生能「站在巨人的肩膀上看得更高更遠」,透過體驗西方文化來開闊了自己的國際視野,而萬聖節服裝走秀,相信都是一種最佳的文化學習機會。