Philippines Outstanding Professionals Awards Ceremony

On the 19th of August, at 5 PM, the 2023 Philippines Outstanding Professionals Awards Ceremony will be held in the grand banquet hall of the OKADA Luxury Hotel. Our school’s Principal, Dr. Huang Sihua, is one of the awardees, receiving the “Most Outstanding and Exemplary Educator of the Year” award. This event is jointly organized by OKADA Luxury Hotel, Kiwanis Club, One Network, SMNI News Channel, and Royal Creative. The organizing committee regularly recognizes outstanding individuals from various fields who have made significant contributions to the country and society. The recipients of this award include elite figures from the fields of education, business, politics, and medicine. Dr. Huang’s achievement not only brings honor to our school but also to the Filipino-Chinese community. The organizing committee acknowledges Dr. Huang’s tremendous dedication to the field of education. In addition to meticulously managing the school, and ensuring its continuous progress, Dr. Huang has also delivered lectures multiple times, sharing professional knowledge with teachers worldwide. Therefore, this award is truly a cause for celebration and well-deserved recognition.

 晨光中學訊:九月五日假International Confederation of Worldwide Principals官方臉書舉行2023年全球學術卓越獎頒獎典禮,本校黃校長思華博士為獲獎人之一。主辦單位在Dr. Snigdha Kadam主席及發起人之一的Prof. Nada Ratkovich的策劃,並對學術界的傑出人士及有巨大貢獻舉辦獎勵,可貴的是由主席及其伙伴親自篩選合格的獲獎者,而黃校長能夠榮獲此殊榮,不僅為本校爭光,也為菲華社會爭榮。主辦單位肯定黃校長對教育界的巨大付出,除了精心管理學校,令其校務蒸蒸日上,還多次擔任講座,為全球教師分享專業知識。所以此次獲獎, 可說是可喜可賀,實至名歸。

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