Global Educator and Peace & Humanity Advocate” and the “International Educator and Global Leader of the Year 2023.

Recently, our school has received two great pieces of news. Raymond Banzuela Business Consultancy Services from the Philippines and Big Brain Brilliance Knowledge Hub from India have both recognized outstanding performance in the field of education in the Philippines. Our school’s Principal, Dr. Steve Christopher S. Wong, is one of the recipients of these awards. The awards received are the “” Both awarding organizations are recognizing school administrators and educators who have made significant contributions to the field of education for the first time. The individuals who have received these awards are all elite figures in the global education community. Dr. Wong’s achievement not only brings honor to our school but also to the Filipino-Chinese community. The organizing bodies have acknowledged Dr. Wong’s immense dedication to the field of education. In addition to managing the school meticulously, and ensuring its continued growth, Dr. Wong has also delivered lectures multiple times, sharing professional knowledge with teachers worldwide. Therefore, this award is truly well-deserved and a cause for celebration.

晨光中學訊:近期本校又傳了兩大喜訊,菲律濱的Raymond Banzuela Business Consultancy Services及印度的 Big Brain Brilliance Knowledge Hub分別表揚在菲律濱教育界有傑出表現的教育工作者,而本校黃校長思華博士為獲獎之一,獎項為全球教育工作者及和平和人道提導獎(Global Educator and Peace & Humanity Advocate)和年度國際教育工作者和全球領袖獎(International Educator and Global Leader of the Year 2023)。兩個頒獎單位都是首次對教育界有博大貢獻的學校行政人員及教職員舉辦獎勵,此次獲得此獎的人均為全界教育界精英人士,而黃校長能夠榮獲此殊榮,不僅為本校爭光,也為菲華社會爭榮。主辦單位肯定黃校長對教育界的巨大頁獻,除了精心管理學校,令其校務蒸蒸日上,還多次擔任講座,為全球教師分享專業知識。所以此次獲獎, 可說是可喜可賀,實至名歸。

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