Yun Ping Kun, a seventh-grade student of our school, participated in the EZKRIMA monthly invitational competition last March 5 and won the silver medal in the U14 group and the bronze medal in the team competition.
It's been a long time since the last time he got the chance to practice fencing,but it stop him from joining the invitational competition again. He won not only for the school, but also for the country.
Yun Ping Kun joined the Republic Fencing and Sports Center for training in 2022. After less than a year of practice, he competed for the first time in December last year and achieved such impressive results.
It is really gratifying. Established in 2015, the Republic Fencing and Sports Center offers fencing lessons to all interested students of all ages, instructing them in the art of fencing with saber, foil and
epee. EZKRIMA is a non-profit sports organization established since 2008. It regularly holds monthly fencing competitions. It is a voluntary project to help young Filipino fencers make progress in the sport
and learn from their mistakes.
晨光中學訊:本校七年級楊金山同學於三月五日參加EZKRIMA月度邀請賽中,榮獲U14組銀獎,及團體賽銅獎。楊金山同學受練擊劍時間不長,但此次再度參加邀請賽表現非凡,獲得佳績,不僅為校爭榮,也為國爭光,可說是年少有為,後生可畏,可喜可賀。楊金山同學二○二二年就加入Republic 擊劍及體育中心受訓,不到一年的練習,曾在去年十二月首次參賽,就獲得了如此傲人成績,真值得欣慰。 Republic 擊劍及體育中心成立於 2015 年,為所有不分年齡的有興趣學生提供擊劍課程,指導使用軍刀、花劍和重劍掌握擊劍藝術。EZKRIMA自2008年成立,是個非盈利的運動組織,定期舉辦月度擊劍比賽是一項自願項目,旨在幫助年輕的菲律賓擊劍運動員在這項運動中取得進步,從錯誤中吸取教訓。