ALYSSA GWEN LEUNG, a second-year student from our school, won a bronze medal in the inter-school storytelling competition hosted by HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY.
In the competition, Alyssa used his rich imagination and superb speech ability, confidently interpreted the story, finally broke through the limit, showed his strengths,
stood out from many entries, and won the bronze award, which can be said to be well-deserved Returning, gratifying to congratulate.
Our school has always paid attention to the cultivation of students' listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese and English subjects.
In the past two years, we have cooperated with HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY. Through his learning platform, because there is no space limitation,
as long as students are convenient, they can use it anytime, anywhere .After two years of online learning, the students' expression ability has improved greatly,
and they can fully understand the story and make an appropriate interpretation, express the emotions in the story with devotion, and use the sound accurately,
such as articulation and pronunciation.Her good performance in the competition this time is enough to prove that the school’s education reform is successful.
I hope that more students will win awards in the future and win glory not only for the school but to our country as well.
晨光中學訊:本校二年級梁家明(ALYSSA GWEN LEUNG)同學參加由HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY主辦的校際講故事比賽榮獲銅獎。梁同學在比賽中發揮其豐富的想像力及精湛的演講能力,自信地把故事演譯出來,最後衝破極限,一展所長,從多位的參賽中脫穎而出,獲得銅獎,可說是實至名歸,可喜可賀。本校一直注重學生在中、英文學科上的的聽、說、讀、寫的培育,這兩年和HIGHLIGHTS LIBRARY合作,透過他的學習平台,因為沒有空間的限制,只要學生方便,隨時隨地都可上網學習,兩年的時間,學生的表達能力大有進步,並能對故事充分理解及作出恰當的演繹、投入地表達故事中的情感、對聲音的運用準確,如咬字、發音等。此次梁同學在比賽中獲佳績,足以證明本校對教育改革是成功的,盼望未來能更多的學生獲獎,為校爭光。