A Token of Appreciation from WELA Management System

Wela Online Company has been cooperating with our school for two years. 
As a learning partner of our school, it has greatly helped our school's digitization 
and intelligence. In addition to providing our school with a perfect learning management 
system, The online classroom management system, assessment management system, etc. have brought 
great convenience to the teacher's digital teaching, and also reduced many troubles
in the student's learning, so they are deeply loved by our teachers, parents, and students.
This school year, an RFID attendance management system has been brought to our school. 
Every member of the school can register the records of students or staff entering and leaving the 
campus as long as they enter and leave the campus by scanning the machine. Upon entering the 
campus the students should scan with RFID, while parents will be notified immediately that 
the child has arrived at the school safely. Our parents can entrust their children to school 
with great peace of mind. In December of last year, Wela Company donated a computer to the school 
to facilitate the school's document processing because the school has gradually adopted a hybrid physical class. 
The school would like to express its gratitude to Wela Company.
Wela is an educational technology company that specializes in helping education move toward innovation and diversity. 
They started with the idea that each teacher is responsible for teaching an average of thirty students per class.
 So they come up with ideas to help the teachers lessen their burden with paperwork, they will have more than enough 
energy to monitor the learning process of each student. They also taught the parents how to ease their worries whenever
their children leave their homes to go to school, most parents will not know whether 
their children have arrived at school safely. If the Wela platform can be used to automate the school process, coupled 
with IoT/RFID, the child's school information can be updated from time to time, and the child's progress in school can be observed.
 Wela now has more than 150 schools as partners at home and abroad. Over the years, Wela has continued to add more features to its 
platform, from online registration and billing to a learning management system
威拉(Wela) 或威拉線上公司(Wela Online Corp.) 是一家教育技術公司,專門協助教育走向創新、多元。 他們創辦的理念是;特別在菲律賓;每位教師每班平均負責教導三十名學生。 如果他們再背負著文書工作,他們會心有餘而力不足地監督每個學生的學習過程。 而這個問題也會同時影響到父母的對子女的關心,因為當他們離開家去上學時,父母多數不會知道孩子是否安全到達學校。若能使用威來拉平台自動化學校流程,加上 IoT/RFID能時時更新該子女在校的資訊,更能其中觀察孩子在學校的進度。 威拉現在在國內外擁有 150 多所學校作為合作伙伴。 多年來,威拉不斷為其平台添加更多功能,從在線註冊、計費到學習管理系統。


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