Chen Kuang Student Alumni Organization Volleyball Team won in inter-school volleyball competition

    Jin Na, a grade 12 student, and alumni such as Zhuo Xinxin, Tai Zhu, Fei Mei'an, etc.
, under the strict training and encouragement of the coach, organized the volleyball
team to participate in the inter-school volleyball match hosted by Solid Volleyball 
Nation. In many fierce battles, the showed their perseverance, gave full play to their
personal potential and team strength, and finally achieved good results. 
Won the runner-up in the first game during the epidemic, and wrote a new page for the school.
     In addition to the successful reforms in teaching, the school also takes students as the main 
body of sports activities, and enhances students' physical quality by cultivating students' 
sports interests, attitudes, habits, knowledge and abilities, and cultivates students' morality and ability. 
This promote their physical and mental. School physical education subject is an 
important part of education.
     The dedication of our coaches to the team, the strength and fitness training team, 
the school's various support in different positions, and the strong cooperation of parents
 have become a strong backing for the team to achieve the success of this game. 
As our school prepares for the new school year, we have obtained the "safety seal" certificate 
of the municipal government, the vaccine certificate of 100% of the barangay staff, and then passed the inspection 
of the  Bureau of Education to ensure that it will be very safe to come to our school. Yes, parents will feel at ease 
sending their children to school. Our school is still accepting students who intend to enroll in the school for the new school year 2022-2023, 
please feel free to contact the school.
晨光學生校友組織排球隊  參加校際排球賽勇奪亞軍
晨光中學訊:本校十二年級學生真娜同學、及卓欣欣、泰珠、菲美安等校友,在教練的嚴密訓練及鼓勵下組織排球隊參加由Solid Volleyball Nation主辦的校際排球賽,在多場的激戰,展現出堅毅精神,全面發揮個人潛能及團隊力量,最終取得佳績。奪下了疫情間的第一場球亞軍,為本校寫下光輝新一頁。

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