First Online Exchange between Qiaoyi Elementary School And Chen Kuang High School

On March 24th (Thursday) at 2:00 pm, the eighth-grade students of our school and the sixth-grade students of Qiaoyi Elementary School in Changhua County held their first online exchange event on GOOGLE MEET. Five years ago, our school and Qiaoyi Elementary School signed a sister school, and students from both sides communicated by letter. Due to the epidemic, the entire event was held online. This event was planned by Director Qiu Yingjia of Qiaoyi Elementary School. The theme of the event was self-introduction, introduction of schools and places of residence. Under the leadership of teacher Zhang Ruiling of our school and teacher Zheng Wenjing of Qiaoyi Elementary School, students from the two schools attended the event. , English communicated with each other, the activities were carried out smoothly and the effect was good.
President Huang said that the exchange between the two universities was a very meaningful event. The event was successfully held, thanks to the planning and support of Director Qiu Yingjia. Director Qiu Yingjia once went to the Philippines as a cultural tour teacher for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee. I have a special affection for the Philippines, and I have always been very concerned and supportive of Chinese education in the Philippines. This exchange activity is a long-term activity, tentatively scheduled to be held once every one or two months. The students of Qiaoyi Elementary School use English as the main communication language, while the school uses Chinese. It is believed that in the long run, students from the two schools will not only cultivate friendship, but also strengthen their language skills.After that, the students of Qiaoyi Elementary School introduced themselves one by one, and introduced the school they were attending and their academic activities. Next, the school also made a self-introduction, using PPT as a brief introduction to the school. During the exchange, under the guidance of Teacher Zhang and Teacher Zheng, students from the two schools exchanged questions to understand the situation in the two places. The activity ended successfully in nearly an hour, and the students of the two schools were still looking forward to the next exchange activity.
晨光中學訊 :三月廿四日(星期四)下午二時本校八年級學生及彰化縣僑義國小六年級學生假GOOGLE MEET舉行第一次線上交流動。五年前,本校與僑義國小簽署為姐妹校,並雙方學生以書信方式進行交流,因為疫情關係,整個活動轉為線上舉行。此次活動由僑義國小邱盈嘉主任策劃,活動主題為自我介紹、介紹就讀學校及居留地為主,在本校張瑞凌老師及僑義國小鄭文菁老師的—帶動下,兩校學生以中、英文互相交流,活動順利進行,效果良好。

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