The Asia Pacific University Applied Humanities Management Association 2022 Intercollegiate Chemistry Knowledge Competition.
The junior middle school students of Chenguang Middle School won the third place.
Under the guidance of science teacher Jhezel Penas, the fourth Year Level (tenth grade) students of our school participated in the 2022 Intercollegiate Chemistry Knowledge Competition organized by the Applied Chemistry Management Association of Ateneo University. After several rounds of fierce competition, In the finals on March 12, they passed all the way and won the third place. The news came and the whole school was very proud.
The situation of pandemic made the teaching mode of schools around the world transformed from physical classes to online classes. Although there are many challenges we experienced during online classes, under the leadership of Principal Huang Sihua and the cooperation of all faculty members, we are able to overcame all the difficulties and successfully went online for two years. Over the past two years, the school has maintained the quality of teaching even if it’s an online classes. Although teachers are working from home, they always took their teaching duties and responsibilities seriously. Even though it is inconvenient on their part. We focused on task-based teaching, we often encourage students to move towards research and be spontaneous, so as to stimulate students’ creativity and strengthen their contingency in every situation, just to complete the tasks assigned by their teachers. In this competition, the science teachers, who are also their instructors, used multiple models to teach science, and make use of all the online resources to assist in their teaching. In terms of the results of this competition, the school’s successful teaching transformation is a testimony to all.
晨光中學訊:本校初中四年級(十年級) 學生在科學老師Jhezel Penas的指導下, 參加了由亞典耀大學應用化學管理協會舉辦的2022年校際化學知 識比賽,經過幾輪的激烈競賽,於三月十二日的總決賽, 一路過關斬將,榮獲了第三名,消息傳來,全校上下, 為他們感到驕傲及自豪。
因疫情關係,全球學校教學模式轉型,由實體課轉為線上課, 雖然上線上課困難重重,但本校在黃思華校長的帶領下, 及全體教職員配合,克服了一切困難,順利上了兩年的線上課。 在這兩年來,學校沒有因為線上課而影響了教學品質, 反而教師雖居家工作,但也沒有耽誤教學工作。因疫情帶來的不便, 學校以任務型教學為主,鼓勵學生朝向研究方向走,自動自發, 藉以激發學生的創造力及加強危機意識, 來完成老師交代的任務為己任。此次比賽,科學老師, 也是他們的指導老師,採用多元模式來教導科學, 藉用網上資源來輔助教學,學生們也在學習過程中學到了很多知識。 在這一次的參賽的結果來說, 本校成功地教學轉型就是一個有目共睹的見證。
此次參賽的五位優秀學生為王澤龍、陳文仁、楊心心、安博、 菲美英五位同學及指導老師,他們的傑出表現,為校爭光, 本校特藉報端表揚。